Henry County Health Department - Serving All of Henry County, Ohio

Head Lice

Head lice checks by a public health nurse are available at HCHD by appointment only. Call 419-599-5545 to schedule an appointment. If lice or nits are seen, treatment will be recommended and discussion of proper care of other family members and cleaning of linens and other household items will be discussed. Treatment is not provided on site, however, a prescription can be called into Rite Aid in Napoleon, Ohio for individuals seen at the health department and who have a valid Medicaid card.


Lice are crawling insects that are mainly spread through close, prolonged head-to-head contact. They cannot jump, hop, or fly. There is a small chance for head lice to spread by sharing personal items such as combs, brushes, hats, and sports helmets.

Intense itching on the head, especially behind the ears or at the back of the neck. It can take up to 4 to 6 weeks after lice get on the scalp before itching begins. The itching can last for weeks, even after the lice are gone.

Please contact your school to find out what their policy is. Some schools have “no-nit” policies stating that students who have nits in their hair cannot return to school, however the American Academy of Pediatrics released a clinical report in October 2022 discouraging such policies.