Environmental Health Services
Other Environmental Health Services
Here you can find information on campgrounds, temporary campgrounds, smoking ban, public health nuisance conditions, body art, animal bites, and school & home environments. Click here for fees.
Campgrounds and Resident Camps
Body Art
Public Health Nuisance Conditions
Public Health Nuisances are environmental situations which have the potential to cause the spread of disease. In order to prevent the spread of disease, the Health Department investigates where nuisance conditions are found.
Animal Bite Investigation
School and Home Environments
Smoke-Free Workplace Program
Effective December 7, 2006, regulations were passed relating to smoking in public buildings. The businesses are required to prohibit smoking, remove ashtrays and other smoking receptacles and post no-smoking signs with the number for reporting violations. To report a violation call 1-866-559-OHIO (1-866-559-6446) or email NoSmoke@odh.ohio.gov. The health department is notified of these complaints and conducts an investigations.