Public Health Nursing
Immunizations and TB Testing
Immunization Clinics
- Henry County Health Department offers immunizations, including traveler’s vaccines, to individuals of all ages with private medical insurance, Medicaid, Medicare Part B and Part D, and those without health insurance.
- Immunizations are by appointment only during our clinic hours:
- Monday: 1:30-4:00pm
- Wednesday: 1:30-5:30pm
- Friday: 9:00am-12:00pm
- Note: Clinics will not be held when HCHD is closed to observe holidays.
- To schedule an appointment, call 419-599-5545.
- If accommodations are needed, please discuss when scheduling appointment. We can provide sensory-friendly and mobility options upon request.
- If you need to reschedule your appointment or are running more than 15 minutes late, please call us at 419-599-5545.
The Day of Your Appointment
- For your appointment, bring with you:
- Your insurance card
- Photo ID
- Your immunization record if you have received vaccines outside of Ohio or if you have a hard copy of your record. Your doctor can also fax your vaccine records to 419-591-3064.
- All children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or authorized caregiver
- >Third Party Consent form, if needed (see below)
- Note: Fainting among adolescents following medical procedures, including shots, is common. Therefore, all adolescents 11-19 years of age are instructed to wait 15 minutes following shots before they leave the clinic.
- See our HIPAA Forms page for more information on information privacy
Billing and Payment Information
- HCHD is an insurance provider for most major medical insurances and will submit claims to insurance companies. It is recommended that you check with your insurance company prior to your appointment to verify coverage. Patients are responsible for any remaining balance.
- HCHD accepts checks, cash, and credit/debit card (a convenience fee applies)
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, parents and guardians need to sign a consent form for any shots if the child is under the age of 18 years at every appointment. This can be done with the form below or in office.
A parent or guardian must complete a Third-Party Consent form if someone else brings their child to the appointment. The form can be brought the day of the appointment with the third party.
Children and adults without medical insurance or if their insurance does not cover shots can receive a discount on immunization services. The recommended fee per shot is $21.25 and a one-time nursing fee of $14.40, however, we will not turn away anyone due to inability to pay.
We recommend contacting your child’s doctor, but children can usually receive their shots even if they have a mild illness, such as a cold, earache, mild fever, or diarrhea.
The Ohio Immunization Summary for School attendance for the 2024-2025 school year can be found here.
< CDC recommended vaccine schedules can be found here. A Vaccine Information Sheet (VIS) A Vaccine Information Sheet (VIS) will be provided during your appointment.
Vaccines and Immunizations | CDC
Vaccine Education Center | Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Information for Travelers:
Various locations have their own specific requirements for vaccinations. Please check in with the CDC which you may need dependent on your location by clicking on the picture to find out. Or click here.