Online Operation Permit Payment
If you have received an operation permit application in the mail, you now have the option to pay for the permit by credit card online. Please click on the Online Payment Portal to set up an account and submit payment. If you have questions about the payment process, please click on the Online Portal Instructions. If you do not want to pay online, you still have the option to submit a check to Henry County Health Department.
The Sewage Operation and Maintenance (O&M) program protects water quality by tracking and monitoring the proper operation and maintenance of household sewage treatment systems (HSTS) or “septic systems”. This program is required by the State of Ohio and ensures these systems are not harmful to the environment by creating a public health nuisance.
O&M Program Operation Permit Process
The 5-year plan brings all the Household Sewage Treatment Systems (HSTS) in Henry County under the sewage O&M program. Refer to implementation schedule schedule for your township (image below). Residents with household sewage treatment systems should expect to complete the following:
- You will receive the operation permit, application, and operation permit fee in the mail from the Henry County Health Department approximately 4 weeks before the payment is due.
- Complete the operation permit application and return to the Henry County Health Department along with the $100 operation permit fee. Pay online here.
- Within the next 5 years, you will need to have your tank pumped and/or have the sewage system evaluated at least once.
- This process repeats every 5 years. Before the operation permit expires, you will receive a renewal application and operation permit fee from the Henry County Health Department.
- If the operation permit fee is not paid by the due date, an additional 25% late fee will be added. Unpaid fees will be added to the property taxes with an additional 3% added to all unpaid amounts.
O&M Program Implementation Schedule

O&M Program Maintenance Requirements
The owner MUST have at least one of the following completed within 5 years after the effective date of the operation and maintenance permit:
-Have the household sewage treatment system (HSTS) evaluated by a registered service provider; and/or
-Have the tank pumped by a registered septage hauler
The registered service provider and/or registered septage hauler will send a copy of the evaluation form and/or pumping report to the Henry County Health Department. Please keep a copy for your records.
The evaluation form and/or pumping report are used to document the functioning of the household sewage treatment system and if a public health nuisance is created. The form/report may also inform you of any maintenance items that are needed.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Program?
In 2007, the Ohio legislature passed laws requiring owners of Household Sewage Treatment Systems (HSTS) to obtain operation permits. In 2015, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) adopted rules setting up the regulation for local health districts (Ohio Administrative Code (OAC): Chapter 3701-29). In the Spring of 2023, the Henry County Board of Health adopted the local regulation directing how the program would proceed and defined the operation permit terms and conditions.
Why is this program important?
This program helps protects water quality in Henry County by tracking and monitoring the proper operation and maintenance of household sewage treatment systems (HSTS) or “septic systems”. When a septic system is not working properly it can pollute the ground and surface water leading to illness. Also, by regularly pumping and maintaining your system it helps lengthen the life of the system.
Who is required to have an operating permit?
The Operation and Maintenance Program is only for households in Henry County that have a household sewage treatment system. If you are on a public sewer system, this process does not apply to your home.
Will I have to replace my old system?
Existing household sewage treatment systems DO NOT need to be repaired, altered, or replaced, UNLESS they are creating a public health nuisance.
What is a public health nuisance for a sewage system?
A Public Health Nuisance means “any condition which is injurious or potentially injurious to the health and safety of the public, or which pollutes the air, land, or water”. If the household sewage treatment system has a blockage that causes sewage to back up causing environmental issues is considered a public health nuisance.
My tank is cracked or broken. Do I need a whole new household sewage treatment system?
Not necessarily. In most cases it would only require an alteration permit to replace the tank.
Is there funding if I need to repair or replace my household sewage treatment system?
Henry County offers grant funding from the Ohio EPA. Families up to 300% of the poverty level may qualify for funds. Applications can be obtained from the Henry County Job and Family Services.
Maumee Valley Planning has Community Housing Impact and Preservation (CHIP) Program funds that may be utilized.
How often do I need to have my tank pumped?
On average, each household should have their tank pumped every 3-5 years. However, the pumping frequency could vary due to the size of the tank or the number of people in the home. For a list of providers go to Sewage Treatment Systems – Henry County Health Department (